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Volunteer Opportunities for Master Composters

Any activity you perform that supports the mission of the BCEMC garners you countable annual volunteer hours. Minimum is 10 per year but you can do and report all you'd like. You bring your own unique life experience and enthusiasm to the table. There is room for a variety of skills and activities under the BCEMC umbrella. Some opportunities below might already be covered by someone else, but if something interests you, please inquire.

The following consists of and amplifies Article X, Section 1 of the BCEMC bylaws.


For details about reporting volunteer hours and class attendance, please see Community Outreach.


Opportunities to Consider:


  • Teach a public class posted on our website.

  • Organize and teach at a church, school, neighborhood association, civic organization, etc. (For a list of teaching venues, please see Community Outreach.)​

  • Participate in an outreach information table at various local events.

  • Participate in on-site composting consultations.

  • Provide hands-on advisement for composting projects in the community.

  • Help maintain the composting demonstration at the Bernalillo County Extension Office and / or the Albuquerque Garden Center.

  • Become involved with the BCEMC Association and/or serve on any standing or ad hoc committee: Education, Outreach, Communication, Financial. See details below.

  • Develop your own unique opportunity and present it to the outreach coordinator.


Association, General
  • Review and make suggestions for the BCEMC Bylaws.

  • Consider and research possible fund raising possibilities for the association.

  • Serve on the BCEMC Board.

  • Participate in quarterly board meetings (open to all members).




  • Prepare and teach a module or modules for the annual master composter training class.

  • Review/edit the master composter training manual; suggest changes to education coordinator.

  • Research and prepare a guide for using composting tumblers in the desert.

  • Revise, expand, explain the greens/browns list on our website.

  • Investigate and then develop social media possibilities.

  • Research and prepare a compendium on roaches: methods/options that would not encourage roaches - bokashi, bag & wait, pit, trench.

  • Prepare a response for those who have insect phobias (entomophobia). What composting methods are available for them? How to reassure that most insects are ok in the compost.

  • Write a critical review of a book or article that may be shared with membership.

  • Research, review, revise current information on persistent herbicides for the website.

  • Review and suggest revisions for any of our current brochures.

  • Prepare script, then make brief videos for cold, hot, worm, and bucket composting following recommendations presented in our brochure Composting in the Desert.

  • Assist in answering composting questions sent via our web email address

  • Prepare a special program outline for Kids Composting.




  • Assist chairperson by seeking local venues for future public classes.

  • Assist in advertising/networking our free public classes.


Web Site and Communication
  • Announce our classes and other events in local newspapers and other publications.

  • Establish and edit quarterly outreach news briefs for the membership, using the templates we have set up.

  • Write composting information articles and give to the webmaster to be added to the website.​

Logo of New Mexico State University

Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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