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Zoo Poo


January 9, 2020

Greetings! I mentioned this idea to the teacher the other day at a Master Gardeners class, and she suggested I send this inquiry along to you...What does the ABQ zoo do with their zoo poo? Would it be suitable as a soil amendment in home gardens? I live right next to the zoo, and enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of zoo animals on a daily basis. I am also an avid composter and gardener, and wonder if there might be untapped synergy between the animals and gardeners in the community...I would love to hear your thoughts on this!


Answer by JZ: Always good to hear from an avid composter.  Excellent idea. Years ago, I heard that zoo poo and carcasses were going to the ABCWUA Soil Amendment Facility on the far west mesa - composted there:  Compost I do not know if this collaboration continues.  You would have to contact ABCWUA and/or the zoo to find out. Let me know what you discover. I would suggest that, ideally any manure go thru a composting process, thus converting it to humus, before being added to garden soil. Get back to me if you have questions.  You are welcome to register, then attend any of our free classes as often as you wish.

Answer by AB: It is best to compost animal manure before adding to food crops. There can be bacteria in fresh manure that could contaminate food.

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Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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