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Composting at High Elevation


March 21, 2021

We just moved here and will be living at ~6800 ft elevation in high rolls at zip 88325. I recently started doing some vermicomposting indoors but have little experience in any other types of composting. Do you know of any resources that are specific to this elevation/area? Or is composting about the same wherever one resides. I appreciate any insight you can provide.


Answer by JZ: Great to hear about your interest. Vermicomposting is a fine idea. The composting recipe is universal, but composting management is influenced by climate.  At your elevation with cooler temps, your outdoor composting setup may be a bit slower in general,  especially in the winter months, but will perk up in the warmer months. My setups are at 5,300 ft. elevation – no problem.

I would encourage you to read about Desert Composting under Composting Info in our website menu.  Also see other informational selections there.

Get organized, then compost on.   Let us know if you have questions.

Logo of New Mexico State University

Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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