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Citrus Peels in Bokashi


January 21, 2020

We are just starting with this method of composting.  At a class I took I thought one of the instructors said that citrus peels were sometimes difficult to compost by this method.  Can you give me more information on this topic.  Very much appreciated.


Answer by JZ: Your question will be received by a few master composters, so you may receive other responses. Here are my thoughts.

The Bokashi method is an anaerobic fermentation of organic material.  Some describe it as pre-compsting, because the stored material in the bucket will eventually be turned into garden soil where aerobic microorganisms will complete the decomposition process to humus. Decomposition is not completed in the bucket, but in the soil.

Citrus peal is organic material which may be chopped, then added to a bokashi bucket setup. Citrus peel contains natural oils. It is the oils which may slow decomposition a bit as they may be somewhat
resistant to microbial enzymes, but peel will eventually decompose.  Microbes will overcome.

Some, I think, incorrectly say that the peel is acidic. It is the citrus juice which is acidic, the peel less so.

As the Bokashi method is anaerobic, acids naturally occur in the fermentation process in the bucket.

So my suggestion is to chop citrus peel, then add to the bucket and the fermentation process will move forward. The decomposition process will only go to completion when the contents are added to soil, not in the bucket. Hope that this is useful.

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Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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