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Composter Association

Master Composters at a compost information table at the Albuquerque Garden Center.

Photo courtesy of Joanne McEntire

In 2010, master composters formed an association of volunteers whose purpose is to provide a structure for the support and maintenance of the Master Composter education program and its graduates. The name of the organization is Bernco Master Composter Association. At the meeting, we approved bylaws and elected a board of directors. In October 20, 2011, we were granted 501(c)(3) status from the IRS. We are a nonprofit corporation and donations to the association are tax-deductible.


Current board members are:

  • John Zarola, President

  • Wynette Richards, Vice President

  • Pat Barger, Secretary and Immediate Past President

  • Jana Hazelbaker, Treasurer

  • Bill Bailey

  • Rye Bailey

  • Rod Reay

  • Michael Reed

  • Les Storhaug

  • Yini Wang


We are affiliated with the Bernalillo County Cooperative Extension Service and New Mexico State University College of Agriculture.


Please see Mission and Vision and Program Objectives


Here is a link to the Bylaws of Bernalillo County Master Composter Association.


Here is a link to the history of our program.


Here is a list of classes and other activities we have offered to the public over the years.


If you'd like to support the association with a financial contribution or by designating us as your charity in the Amazon Smile program, please see Donations.


If you are a member of the Association and would like to pay your dues, you can do so on our Composter Association Dues page.


NMSU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educator, NMSU and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of an auxiliary aid or service to participate in the classes, please contact us in advance.

Logo of New Mexico State University

Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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