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Bucket Composting with Bokashi

A Master Composter teaching, showing Bokashi in buckets.

Photo courtesy of Wynette Richards

Have you heard about composting your kitchen scraps with the Bokashi method? It's a composting method developed in Japan that takes up little space, doesn't attract pests, requires no turning, uses little water, isn't smelly when done right, and may be done year round. The method makes it hard to find an excuse not to compost your kitchen waste!


You can compost all the scraps you normally compost as well as meat, bones, and oily things.


To learn how to compost with bokashi, please see our overview of Bokashi Bucket Composting written by Bernalillo County Master Composters.


We regularly offer free Bokashi Bucket Composting classes. Please see our class schedule.

Logo of New Mexico State University

Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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