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Demonstration in Your Backyard

Many ask how they can get started composting. The answer? We hope that you will attend one or more of our free classes where you'll learn how to start and maintain a backyard compost pile. In addition, one of our Master Composters, Les Storhaug, has volunteered to meet with you in your backyard to show you an easy method called Bucket Composting.

You'll need to start saving your kitchen scraps and he'll teach you what to do with them. Put your fruit and vegetable waste, including coffee grounds and egg shells, but no meat or bones, in a container in your freezer. While that organic waste is freezing (and breaking down its cell walls), he'll bring you a five gallon bucket and show you how to dig a hole for it in your yard and teach you how to use the bucket to convert your kitchen and yard waste into rich compost.

When the bucket is full and the compost is finished, you can pull it out of the hole and use the compost on your garden and around trees and shrubs. Then you can start the process again. If you wish, Les will return again and address any of your concerns and show you how to continue the process.

If you are ready to get started, send an email to with the subject header Bucket Request for Backyard Composting. Please include your phone number. Les will call you and schedule a time to meet with you.

Other resources to learn about composting:


Logo of New Mexico State University

Bernalillo County Extension
Master Composters
Albuquerque, New Mexico

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